

December 2021


It is snowing, and we are cocooning. Our little woodstove is working hard. This month, we finally decided to release a paperback version of Busy Doing Nothing.

In our last update log, we mentioned that we were trying to grow Lion's Mane mushroom, and we are happy to report that it was a success! It grew beautifully. Rek was so excited about the mushroom that they decided to draw some this month, this series focuses on varieties that grow on Vancouver Island.

In other news, we had an interview with the founder of Sourcehut, read it here. Also, our good friend Alderwick make us a very cool gift(YouTube).

Pino book club

We're reading Fantômes: Issue 1, with work by 18 talented artists, put together by Lizbeth. It is a eerie, and gorgeous zine, we strongly recommend the Mike Wolf version.

November 2021


This month, there was an intro to Uxn Programming(YouTube) workshop by Compudanzas, an event by Babycastles Academy. Give it a watch!

November was a very rainy month in Victoria, a perfect time for experiments in the galley. We are growing Lion's Mane mushrooms currently (a first for us), and we are continuing to lacto-ferment vegetables like kohlrabi, turnips, daikon, cauliflower and red onion. To learn how to do it, see our guide to lactofermentation.

Pino book club

We're reading The Summer Book by Tove Jansson (it's such a lovely book).

October 2021


This month, we found a used grain mill for Pino! Flour doesn't keep as well as whole grains, so we decided to start milling flour (wheat berries, soy beans or chickpeas) only as we need it. We only released a Guide to Lacto-fermenting vegetables on GrimGrains.

Donsol is now available as an uxn rom on itchio.

See Devine's daily drawings series for October.

Pino book club

We're continuing our readings of The Stories of Ray Bradbury by Ray Bradbury. Favorite shorts this month include The Long Rain, The City and Kaleidoscope.

September 2021


It is an early announcement, but end of June 2022 we will be giving a keynote presentation, alongside Khyam Allami, at NIME(New Interfaces for Musical Expression).

Rek wrote an article on Saving Energy When Cooking Aboard for Noonsite.

Check out Eli's guide on installing Uxn on OS X, and Keijiro's version of Flappy Bird in UxnTal.

Our friends at Compudanzas have released part 6 of their Introduction to Uxn Programming tutorial. This new chapter basically shows you how to build Pong!

Pino book club

We started reading The Stories of Ray Bradbury by Ray Bradbury. Favorite shorts so far include There Will Come Soft Rains, The Coffin and There Was an Old Woman.

August 2021


This month, our little engine was fixed (read about it here) we've been sailing around the Gulf Islands, working from anchor. We also found Iggy's successor, a used fiberglass dinghy that we've named Teapot. We've been rowing it from ship to shore, and it's so, so nice. We stopped by Saltspring Island and got to meet the sailors on BosunBird, a couple who have traveled around the world on a Vancouver27. Their blog was an invaluable resource for us on our travels through Japan.

We've released a solid version of Noodle, our drawing tool. Follow the tutorial on our website, or check out this amazing quick start guide by Polyducks. We also released Niju, our little kana-learning game. Niju was a trial to see if we could design, write and assemble a project entirely within the Uxn computer.

Our friends at Compudanzas have released part 3, 4 and 5 of their Introduction to Uxn Programming tutorial.

Pino book club

Help. We still haven't finished The Swarm by Frank Schatzing. It is terrible, but we can't stop.

July 2021


This month, Calcifer is being re-built. While we wait for that, we're working on more projects aboard. We added insulation to the v-berth, an attempt to keep Pino warm this winter. We created a new portal called boat projects on our wiki that covers most of the major construction projects we've done to the boat.

Our friends at Compudanzas have started writing an Introduction to Uxn Programming tutorial. We recommend it to anyone interested in programming for the Uxn Computer. No prior understanding of stack-machines, or Assembly, required! The first covers basics, and the latest chapter focuses on learning to draw pixels on the screen.

If you missed Devine's performance at Flash Crash, you can watch it here.

Pino book club

We're reading Mingming & the Art of Minimal Ocean Sailing by Roger Taylor and The Swarm by Frank Schatzing.

June 2021


Pino and crew spent the first half of the month in the boatyard. We splashed back into the water on the 14th and moved to North Saanich to have access to a workshop with the goal of completing our dry toilet. We are documentating the entire dry toilet installation, with plans to update the page when we begin to use it. We are ALMOST done with this project.

We started working on Niju, a hiragana/katakana review application. We used this project to test our the latest iteration of Nasu so we could finalize the nasu guide.

On June 26 2021, Devine met up with the London SF reading group to talk about solarpunk, see their notes. On July 10th UTC 20:00, Devine will also perform with Orca for Flash Crash.

See Uxn running on the ESP32. It is TOO adorable!

Pino book club

We're reading Nature as Measure by Wes Jackson, The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst by Nicholas Tomalin and Ron Hall and Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges.

May 2021


There has been a lot of activity on Uxn this month! It's exciting to see it work on a variety of devices, like the PS vita, Gameboy Advance and the Nintendo DS. We love the idea that most people already have the all hardware necessary to run our software.

We hosted a small cooking jam on Merveilles, feel free to peruse The Galley tag to see the recipes.

In Pino related news, we are moving north. First stop, the boatyard. We'll be doing a bunch of changes to the studio this week, like removing and replacing old thruhulls and installing a dry toilet.

Pino book club

We're reading Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

April 2021


This month, we converted the old static version of our website into a wiki, with pages for each of the various projects we've been working on aboard Pino. We hope you like it!

We also finished installing our wood stove. Our timing could have been better (it's summer now), but we'll be able to keep warm while at anchor next winter. We have many projects to do, including the removal and replacement of many thruhulls and plumbing, as well as the installation of a dry toilet. Looks like Pino will have to come out of the water again this year!

Pino book club

We're reading Terre des Hommes by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll.

March 2021


This month, the rabbits have been busy making new holes in Pino, cutting metal, and building a support platform for their new tiny woodstove. When the installation is complete, we have plans to write a blog post about the process.

If you're seeing this update on the 100r.co website, you'll notice that all logs are now in the same file. It is easier for us to manage, and we think, more pleasant for you to read.

We have received a lot of really good feedback and corrections for our book Busy Doing Nothing, thank you for reading it. Rek has updated their notes on creating e-books with Pandoc to include exports to epub and mobi (for those interested).

Pino book club

We're reading The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice by Brion Toss and Thinking Forth by Leo Brody.

February 2021


This month, we released the e-book version of the North Pacific Logbook titled Busy Doing Nothing. The book is 217 pages long, and is available as a PDF, mobi or EPUB. We're happy it's out, and hope that you like it!

In other news, Esoteric.Codes interviewed our studio, and we heard that the Toronto Public Library was hosting an online Orca workshop on March 1st—how cool is that?

Pino book club

We're reading A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold.

January 2021


This month, Devine participated in Jamuary, releasing a new video of a different ORCΛ livecoding pattern for each day of the month. They are collected here in a playlist for anyone looking for inspiration or learning new ways of writing sequencers.

Also, we're still growing food aboard Pino. We re-organized a lot of the content on our website, and joined all the ones related to cooking. We've added a small section on lactofermentation. It's no secret, we like food and plants.

The extended version of the North Pacific Logbook is now titled Busy Doing Nothing, an homage to our favorite Ergo Proxy episode. We're still proofreading it, and making final adjustments. Here's what it looks like on a Kindle.

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