

December 2020


It's cold and rainy here in Victoria. We're spending more time indoors, crafting rope mats and origami to combat winter blues. Pino now has many new decorations, just in time for 2021!

The extended version of the North Pacific Logbook project is almost done! The last step, is to make new art for each day.

Latitude48 magazine featured us in their December issue(p.89-90). We also spoke to Marketplace for a podcast on adapting to climate change.

Pino book club

We read The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury this month. We're currently reading The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey, and The Unreal and the Real by Ursula Le Guin.

November 2020


This month, we launched Noton, a live-drawing playground. Noton works by drawing cables between timers, logic gates and instruments inspired from pepepépepe's Color Computers to explore binary logic.

We also created some terminal utilities like Seconth, a calendar, and Firth, a calculator.

We almost migrated each one of our tools out of Electron, it took a while but was well worth it. Nasu, Dotgrid, Moogle, Orca and Noton are all written in pure C with only SDL as dependency.

We've also begun working on an extended edition of the North Pacific Logbook.

Pino book club

This section is new! We thought we'd share our favorite readings each month. In November, we read Ray Bradbury shorts from The Machineries of Joy.

October 2020


This month, as stated above, we added RSS feeds to most of our projects. Past and current newsletter updates are now displayed on our website under Update logs, and will be released monthly on our RSS feed.

After reading passages from Kenneth Neumeyer's book Sailing the Farm, we've been experimenting with growing food aboard Pino. Sprouting seeds is a good way to transform dried foods into fresh foods. See our notes on sprouting on our Gemini space. We've added notes on a variety of topics, like heat-retention cooking and living without a fridge. These pages are best viewed with a Gemini client, like Kristall, LaGrange and Gmni.

Andrew Huang, Zomboy, Kilamanzego and Anomalie remixed Devine's ORCA track Monster, as part of Andrew's Same Sample series. Lend them your ears, they did an amazing job!

September 2020


We released a video of our Pacific Crossing, it serves to put images to words.

Our little studio was featured on WIRED Japan this month, in issue 38 called Nomadic life, off the grid and reconnection. We're assuming what they said about us was largely positive, but unless we can translate it all from Japanese there's no way to know!

For those who understand French, read our interview with l'ADN, in which we discuss resilience and autonomy.

In other news, hundredrabbits now has a space on Gemini, thanks to Solderpunk. It won't be a perfect mirror of 100r.co, as we want it to host unique content. For those who don't know, Gemini is a collaboratively designed internet protocol, which explores the space in-between Gopher and the web (HTTP). Read more on Gemini.

August 2020


On August 11th, we stepped onto land after 65 days on the water ­— it felt amazing. We're walking everyday, and going out on long bike rides to build up some leg muscle again. We finished transcribing the North Pacific logbook, re-counting the 51-day trip from Japan to Canada — be warned, some passages in the logbook might be distressing to some people.

We released a video of the last month we spent in Minamiise, called Our last days in Mie. A video of our 2 weeks in Shimoda and of our North Pacific crossing will follow.

As a studio our main issues are internet scarcity, power management, data storage as well as hardware and software failures. Overtime we found ways to balance work, pleasure and maintenance. Rek wrote an article for Noonsite outlining these problems, and offering solutions.

July 2020

—Pino was at sea. No updates—


This month we have no project updates to offer as we have been away, sailing from Japan to Canada for 51 days. We left Shimoda, JP on June 9th, and arrived on June 28th on the shores of Victoria, BC.

We kept a log book of the happenings on the trip, Rek is transcribing it now and we will share it once it is finished. This trip was the hardest thing we've ever done, with plenty of fog, monstrous waves, albatrosses, porpoises, humpback whales, large mid-ocean fishing fleets and plenty of time to think, little time to sleep and lots and lots of time to read.

We are under quarantine for 2 weeks, with little internet and few liberties, but after that time we'll resume our usual Hundredrabbits operations. We've got many pull requests to merge, bugs to fix, videos to edit and emails to answer, please be patient with us, we'll get to it all in time.

Meanwhile, below is a list of the books we read on this passage:

June 2020

— In transit. No updates—

May 2020

— In transit. No updates—

April 2020


This month we hosted a game jam gathering a few devs and artists interested in learning Hypercard. Both of us collaborated to create Catpot, a little cooking game. One of the entries, a remake of Kojima's P.T., was featured on Polygon. We also started migrating our repos to sourcehut, a service which aligns better with our projects.

In other news, Rek wrote an off-the-grid starter guide for Noonsite, and Checkpoints Gaming interviewed our studio. EZBOT6 also released an excellent Orca tutorial that you should check out.

The lift in the marina was fixed, and Pino was hauled out of the water. We are happy to say that the hull suffered no damage.

March 2020


This month, we released a video diary called Limbo, in which we break things and repair others. In the last newsletter we forgot to announce the release of the first video of the year, it's called Back in Japan.

In other news we're working hard on the Donsol, we're almost there. See shots of Donsol played on a famicom and a odroid go advance.

Devine performed with ORCΛ on the EulerRoom Equinox stream this past March 22nd, watch the stream replay. We recommend watching Nicola Pisanti's ORCA set too, it's very, very good.

February 2020


This month, we returned to Japan! We're happy to report that Pino is doing really well, no big damages to report. Our plan is to fix up our beloved, to get it ready to start cruising again. We wrote a post about what we did to prepare Pino for our 6-month absence called Typhoons, mold and bugs.

Devine was interviewed by Future of Coding, and the podcast was released as two separate episodes. In the first, Devine talks about creating your own tools, and the second is about Orca.

In other news, years ago Devine wrote music for the game Moonquest, and we're happy to say the game is out! You can listen/download to the soundtrack here. Enjoy!

January 2020


This month we released Nasu, our spritesheet and nametable editor. We created it to design and assemble the assets of our future famicon games.

We also compiled a collection of tools and examples to help those interested in learning Assembly.

Back to log.